
room changes

Getting high is nice. I mean there's the obvious reasons: music sounds cool, creativity flows a bit easier, food tastes better, etc. I, for some inexplicable reason, clean up when I'm high. I don't even mean to do it...but if I've recently inhaled some shrubbery and my room is messy...I start organizing. I should be the kid in the Marijuana commercials-second time I've said something along those lines in about 3 days...real original. But I can picture it now: this is your room (messy room)....this is your room on drugs (neat, efficiently organized room). I've never been able to put my finger on it until last night, when I broke a relatively long hiatus of being high at home, but there I was, dashing around my room stashing doo-dads in nooks and crannies. If I ever have kids, I'm gonna make sure they get high before they clean their rooms so I know they will be doing a good job. Incentive, incentive, incentive....


Keepin it real. . .

 I'm artsy as fuck