
try this...

ok, sweet trick to try right before you fall asleep. get a cell phone, be in a dark room. As you probably know, when you see something bright in the darkness, it leaves a trail on your vision. with that in mind, write yourself a message with light from your cell, or even better, a penlight. Then close your eyes as fast as possible. 

do it, you won't


j u l i a n a said...

crayzee picture

Hogan said...

Do the same thing but with a light switch, flash it on and off a couple times and you'll start to see a photograph of the room in the dark. its bad asss dude

jack said...

nice trick hogan, and interestingly enough that picture doesnt have any effects on it...just a 15 second exposure and a flashlight

Keepin it real. . .

 I'm artsy as fuck